​VIBER Solid-Borne Sounds & Vibrations Repeller 150 M²

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​VIBER Solid-Borne Sounds & Vibrations Repeller 150 M²


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​VIBER Solid-Borne Sounds & Vibrations Repeller 150 M²

Scares away and repells pests as rats, mice, lice, aphids from your home in, attics partitions, insulation. VIBER is very effective against unwelcome guests in, for example, a cold attic or facade. Allows pest control in walls and floors up to 150 m² of building area.

Solid-borne sounds are vibrations produced by solids that rodents assimilate to the sound of footsteps on the ground or any other approaching danger. In panic, they feel a permanent danger that pushes them to hide. Exhausted by this permanent stress, they leave the house or premises. Very suitable when pest entry routes cannot be covered with ultrasonic devices.


  • 240V/50-60Hz
  • Designed for intensive use and hard-to-reach areas.
  • Repels rodents from various holes, cavities and hiding places.
  • Can be mounted or screwed to frame or wall.
  • For use in unoccupied rooms only.
  • Connects directly to 240V power supply – mounting bracket and 10 meter cable included.
  • Works intermittently.
  • Protects 150m².
  • Safe for dogs, cats, birds and fish


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