COMFY Nightlight Pest Repeller Ultrasonic 90m² 1001 Kategorier: ,

COMFY Pest repellent with night light 90m², keeps pests away


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COMFY Nightlight Pest Repeller Ultrasonic 90m²

Keeps pests (mice, rats, spiders, fleas, ticks and crawling insects) away from your home, garage, loft, etc. by emitting ultrasonic signals.

Skyddar en maximal yta på 90 m². Det skyddade området minskar avsevärt beroende på trängseln i rummet och materialen som utgör väggar, golv och tak.

Device for indoor use with operating indicator light.

Plugs directly into a 220 V power socket.

Emits ultrasonic signals round the clock.

Effectiveness visible after 1-2 weeks.

Night light can be switched off.

With a frequency exceeding 20 kHz, the ultrasonic signals emitted cannot be heard by humans, dogs, cats, birds, fish, or farm animals.

They disrupt the hearing of mice, which feel unsafe and leave the protected area after a few weeks.


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