SLAYER Flying Insect Killer with fan 80m² 3010 Kategori:

The device protects you interior, including bedrooms and living areas, against flying insects suchs as mosquitoes, tiger mosquitoes, moths, flies, etc.


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The ultraviolet light attracts nearby insects, which are immediately sucked into the collecting vessel by the air current created by the fan, where they die by drying out as a result of the air current.

Odourless, silent and free of insecticide.

The lamp has 3 positions: Anti-insect UV light / Classic ambient light / Soft ambient light

Regularly empty the insect container.

The device is much more effective in the dark than in the light.

Technical specifications

  • Lamp dimensions : L 20 cm x H 30 cm
  • Protects a maximum area of 80 m².
  • For indoor and outdoor use (sheltered areas).
  • Plugs directly into the mains.
  • Free of chemical products and poisons.
  • LED UV Light : UV wavelenght : 365 Nm
  • Very low power consumption: 12 Watt
  • Service life 10,000 hours.
  • Power lead : 1,5 m


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