BUSTER Insect eliminator 30m²

Art.nr: 3008 Kategori:

Eliminates flies, mosquitoes, moths, etc.


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Attractive permanent lamp to trap flying insects: flies, mosquitoes including tiger mosquitoes, moths.

The operating principle is based on the sensitivity of the insects to ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Attracted by the blue light, they enter the trap, which has an electric grid that electrocutes them. Very low power consumption: only 5.4 kWh for 12 hours use per day over 6 months (64.8 Kwh for a 30 Watt incandescent light bulb).

Odourless, silent and free of insecticide

Clean the grid regularly with a brush, then empty the insect container.

The device is much more effective in the dark than in the light.

  • Power rating (2.5 W – 12 ultraviolet LEDs).
  • Protects a maximum area of 30 m².
  • For indoor and outdoor use (sheltered areas).
  • Plugs directly into the mains.
  • Free of chemical products and poisons.
  • Service life 30,000 hours.
  • Dimensions of the device: Height 220 x Width 150 x length 85 mm


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