BUGGY I Mosquito Repeller Plug-in 50m²

Art.nr: 3003 Kategori:

Keeps mosquitoes away. Ideal for use inside the home, even in the children’s room.


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The repeller imitates the sound made by flying male mosquitoes. Within the range of the emitter, females think they are being pursued by males and fly away from the protected area, as they only mate once after they are born. Only female and fertilised mosquitoes bite. They bite and suck blood, which is an essential source of protein for laying thousands of eggs

  • Emits 4 frequencies
  • Protects up to 50 m².
  • Adjustable intensity.
  • Operating indicator light.
  • On/Off switch
  • Operates on the 240 V/50 Hz mains.
  • Free of chemical products and poisons.

This device can be heard by humans


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