GARDO snake, mole & vole repeller V130 Kategorier: , ,

GARDO Mole and Vole Repeller, energy saving and extra efficient!


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GARDO snake, mole & vole repeller looks like any other product, but has been gifted with the little extra that makes it both energy-saving and extra efficient! The model has surprised us and performs beyond expectations!

Most underground rodents have poor eyesight but they have been gifted with very good hearing and sensitivity to soil vibrations. Ants and snakes also sense the ground vibrations as a signal of danger. Therefore, these animals move out to avoid danger. GARDO snake, vole & mole repeller utilizes this sensitivity to produce a penetrating sound vibration over an area up to 1500 m2. The device uses the principle of centrifugal force to create sounds and vibrations with the integrated motor. It is a more efficient technology than the traditional models that use ultrasound. This enables an animal- and environment-friendly way to keep gardens and lawns free of destructive rodents. The device is completely harmless to worms and other insects.

GARDO, which has a new and modern technology with a specially designed circuit, can therefore generate sound vibrations emitted from the device at random for a duration of 1.5 – 3.5 seconds and with a dormant sleep interval that changes randomly from 15 – 75 seconds. Rodents will not be able to adapt to the sounds and vibrations created by the device. As a result, they move away from the protected area. The device consumes almost zero power between active intervals, which makes it very energy-saving! The device works continuously for about 7-10 months on a set of alkaline batteries. The chemical-free and the environmentally friendly unit is 100% waterproof and maintenance-free.

Do not expect immediate results, on the contrary, the activity will increase before it decreases in the area, which is a good sign! So do not be surprised if new piles appear near your GARDO. The device must be used continuously and for a long time, Usually, the rodents have gone off 3-4 weeks after installation.

We recommend 2 or more GARDO in a garden to be able to place these strategically for maximum effect.

Length: 41.5cm

Diameter: 6.5cm

Weight: 0.37 kg

Batteries: 4 x 1.5V D / LR20 batteries (not included)

Duration of the interval: 15 – 75 seconds randomly

Duration of vibration: 1.5 – 3.5 seconds randomly

Coverage area: Up to 1000m2 for voles and moles, in optimal conditions. For snakes and ants usually up to 2000m2!


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