MOLE STOP 1000 – The most effective snake, mole and vole repeller. V120 Kategorier: ,

For over 30 years, MOLE STOP has been deterring snakes, voles and moles from Nordic gardens.

  • By far the best range on the market
  • 700-1500 m² working area for voles and moles (about 3000 m² for snakes).
  • Creates a unique resonant sound
  • More than 8000 satisfied customers
  • Made in the EU

Original price was: €139.Current price is: €129.

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Mole Stop 1000 is a premium repeller that effectively drives out voles and moles from the garden where the pests are hard on lawns, fruit trees and vegetable gardens. Also keeps snakes, wild boars, and badgers at bay. Superior working surface with maximum ground contact.

The Mole Stop 1000 is considered the BEST garden gadget by the Norwegian Vi-i-Villas gardening expert! See the picture below.

With its powerful resonant mechanism and unique ground screw, the Mole Stop 1000 has by far the best range on the market. The ground screw provides significantly better ground contact than traditional vole rods, giving a superior action radius!

The unit has fully wrapped electronics for best protection against moisture, it has dual control programs with proven random vibration at the right frequency to make a difference, powerful resonance mechanism for maximum vibration spread and ventilation slots that ventilate condensation.

For voles and moles, Mole Stop normally has a radius of action of 15-20 m (approx. 700-1500 m²) depending on the soil and setting. For vipers, the radius of action is 20-30 m (approx. 3000 m²).

Do not expect immediate results, on the contrary, the activity will increase before it decreases in the area, which is a good sign! So do not be surprised if new piles appear near your Mole Stop 1000. The device must be used continuously and for a long time, Usually, the rodents have left 3-4 weeks after installation.

Does not harm worms and beetles. The power supply is 4 LR14 alkaline batteries (not included) which are sufficient for 3-8 weeks of operation depending on the selected program setting and battery type.

Mole Stop 1000 can be supplemented with a transformer and a 20 meter low voltage cable, which provides continuous operation where you avoid battery replacement. Up to 4 units can be connected in series. Can also be connected to the Topo Stop models.


Dimensions: Diam 130 X Length 300 mm

Weight 460 g.

Made in the EU


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